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The article proposes a Gender Politics of Aging approach to the study of aging societies. The approach recognizes the feminization of old age, ageism’s roots in sexist discourse, and the need to recognize the role of politics in driving demographic debates. Drawing together arguments from feminist gerontology and political demography, the article argues that the intersection of politics and gender must be considered if appropriate responses to an older, feminized demography are to be produced. I conclude that the work of aging feminists provides a rich vein of research and praxis from which a gender politics of aging approach can draw.  相似文献   
This paper examines the political-economic outgrowth of Brazilian capitalism in the global south after the outset of the global financial crisis. In analysing the public-sector finance policy of the Workers’ Party (PT) during the crisis, I argue that a structuration of investment was established. Utilizing theoretical premises of uneven and combined development and sub-imperialism, this paper traces the motions of the industrial financing processes that perpetuate Brazilian capitalism outside of the boundaries of the nation-state to shed light on the relationship between ‘emergent’ economies, their state structures, and the developing world. I argue that such structures represent a policy to accelerate capital accumulation abroad.  相似文献   
中国政治传统中积累了深厚的立国智慧,注重统一、安定之后的政教重建。古典革命本身意味着社会政治风化的向善提升、最终指向政治共同体精神的教化变迁。更化就代表了政治体致力于善治的文明化转变。儒家传统对于更化有全盘复古和与时损益两种激缓进路,渐进调适论在历史中更显出实践稳健性。政治更化着眼于立国构造中政治精英群体的养成,以此影响立国精神与政治权力再分配,体现出兼顾政治信念与宪制结构的治体论意识。文教振兴因此有其宪制蕴涵。更化立国的政治技艺,避免全盘复古的激进变法冲动,也避免将政治转型急切聚焦于政体制度的大规模改变。这是我们理解中国政治变迁的关键维度。  相似文献   
The essay offers one piece of a larger conjunctural analysis, in an effort to contribute to a better story of the contemporary organic crisis. It considers three elements of the complexity of the ‘crises’ of knowledge: First, it explores the increasingly felt social perception that knowledge (and the forms of authority that accompany it) has become less determined and determining, less identifiable, less effective, more troubled. It argues that one must think about these developments historically and contextually, rather than going along with the panic that has surrounded their increasing visibility in recent political events. Second, it considers some of the attacks on the university as well as some of the recent changes in the political economy and institutional forms of the academy. Finally, it argues that academics have failed to examine their own contributions to the crises of knowledge, failed to consider the ways their own cultures and practices can be located within rather than against the crises of knowledge.  相似文献   
党内政治文化作为政党文化的一个组成部分,与党的政治建设是相互联系、相互促进的。党的政治建设是发展党内政治文化的有效载体,为建设优秀党内政治文化提供必要条件和保证;党内政治文化建设是党的政治建设的根本要求,为党的政治建设提供精神支撑和价值引领。在中国特色社会主义的新时代和新征程中,我们党仍然面临着复杂的执政环境和各种影响党的先进性、弱化党的纯洁性的复杂因素。因此,必须将发展党内政治文化融入党的政治建设全过程,充分发挥党内政治文化对新时代党的政治建设的作用。  相似文献   
风险社会中的核威慑自身具有很大的不确定性,容易引发技术风险、信任风险、政治风险和道德风险。对立的主客思维方式、失序的国际规范、内在的逻辑矛盾以及缺失的道德责任导致了核威慑风险的产生与升级,而其中的道德责任是根本性的影响因子。面对日趋严峻的核安全形势,各国应该培植政治智慧与道德理性,强化共生意识和本体性安全,构建平等、正义的核安全合作机制,积极打造安全共同体,让参与者共享安全与和平。拥核国应该承担更大的道德责任,切实维护核不扩散体制,努力铲除核恐怖主义,稳步推进世界无核化进程。  相似文献   
红色文化是中国先进文化的重要组成部分,为中华优秀传统文化注入了红色的符号。高校思想政治教育事关教育大计、树人大计、国家大计。运用红色文化的优势与特色融入高校思想政治教育有其本质的重要性,也有其实现的可行之处。通过研究泸州红色文化特色与优势,探索红色文化融入高校思想政治教育的路径,以真正运用和发挥好地方红色文化在思想政治教育中的重要价值。  相似文献   
滇南彝族传统经籍文学是当地彝族历代毕摩在当地彝族民间口传文学的基础上,用本民族传统文字——彝文如实记录、第二次创作以及翻译转写其他民族民间文学,并由彝族毕摩一代又一代不断加工、修改、补充、完善,且流传至今的滇南彝族传统经籍文学。从当地历代彝族毕摩所保护和传承且当地彝族民间流传的传统经籍文学版本的主要体裁、素材及其内容看,有史诗类、传说类、伦理类、神灵传言类、婚丧礼仪类、恋爱婚姻类及译著类等;又从当今当地彝族毕摩讲唱传承形式和场域及其采用的唱腔唱曲音乐看,有“甲苏甲类”“诺依特类”“设依甲类”“阿哩甲类”等。纵观滇南彝族传统经籍文学主要体裁、素材及其内容,具有民族性与国际性、支系性与区域性、原生性与变异性、追忆性与憧憬性、丰富性与复杂性、吸纳性与开放性、祭祀性与文学性、历史性与时代性等主要特点。  相似文献   
1942年4月1日《解放日报》将“文艺”专刊改为综合性副刊。《解放日报》改版前的作品更多地是呈现知识分子对于自由婚恋的憧憬与理想,探讨婚后女性面临家庭与事业难以兼顾的窘境以及个人私欲与革命信仰进行博弈而产生的离婚危机。改版后,综合副刊上刊登的婚恋作品主人公大多是工农兵出身,呈现出政治进步可以成就美满婚姻、夫妻共同参加生产劳动可以促进家庭和谐、男女努力学习知识就可以收获爱的体验的新型婚恋观。文章通过考察改版前后不同时期《解放日报》上发表的涉及婚恋问题的文学作品,发现了延安时期男女婚恋观念的嬗变轨迹,认为《解放日报》对男女婚恋问题的反映与思考,对建国后“十七年文学”有着深刻的影响与启示。  相似文献   
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